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Why do we need Human Governance (HG)..?


Our mainstream education and business world have been propagating human on the model of being an assemblage of mechanistic bodily frame. This is to suit the model of mechanistic clock work universe first assumed by Newtonian Cartesian science. True meaning of human at-once metaphysical spiritual and material was removed.

Psychology which started as science of psyche/soul was replaced by science of mental processes in determining behaviour. The Industrial Revolution further robbed the meaning of human to now be just resources, desacrelising the metaphyisics (ghaib) in us and the reality of the universe so that human are now resources. So, education is about producing resources for market.

HG reclaims the centrality of human, because HG brings due regard to the profoundness of how the individual governs oneself through a connection with the inner-self, when one actualises HG, good governance will be a consequence regardsless of which setting one is in - private or professional, individual or organizational.